My Home at OP-EZY

OP-EZY | My NEW Blog! | Home
| CS-40 Site | OP-EZY itself! | The Seeker | Learning Centre DooM | Gregson's Room Sessions |
| Captain Midnight Hijacks HBO article |
| My Adventures in the world of GNU/Linux | My current CV |
| OP-EZY's Home Page | OP-EZY Music | OP-EZY Productions | Max's Site (Infinity Films) | My REALLY old website (not updated!) at TRIPOD |
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My Stuff

small logo
Everything looks good as new, thanks to CS-40!

The Stuff I've Made

All in one place :-)

Image: CS-40 Promo Shot


Here is something I made for GCSE Media Studies, it was a minor hit in school with people often shouting "CS-40" or "Thanks Chris!" at me as I walked past!

The official website still exists, and a full copy of the advert is available to watch on Youtube here

OP-EZY itself

Yeah, the whole world of OP-EZY needs to be mentioned here! OP-EZY was origianlly a name for a small group of Local Network hackers (Local Network = School!) who would exploit pretty much every loop hole we could find, we did find some interesting stuff! OP-EZY originaly stood for "Operation Easyjet" (long story, don't ask - but it does explain the picture here) but later on, we decided that it was better if it didn't stand for anything. James Crawford (at the time, the leader of the group) started a site (version 0.0.2 in the time machine) at, but he never got it finished! He also registed for a year, and did not even get a host for it! In late 2005 I decided to register to replace the site I got going earlier that year ( - link takes you to the current site) that to this day, still runs from a server (an old school computer that was no longer in use) running in my house!

Since then, OP-EZY has expended, there is now a Music devision, and to come soon, a Video devision. I also host Infninity Films (by Max Lees)

The Seeker

Another Media Studies film, this time made for A-Level. I got full marks for this, and basically, it's a mock documentary about a fictitious chemical company called '1st Chem' and how they have not been following health and safety procedures. The documentary is in the style of Nick Broomfield. It was shot on a Sony Handycam, Sound was recorded seperatly with a large(ish) boom mic, connected to a 4-track Cessette mixer. The biggest problem with that set up was, the 4-track needed a mains source, so I also had to carry a 230V power inverter too!

You can also watch this video on youtube (here) or watch it below:


Learning Centre DooM - a conversion of DooM based on... a place I know (I am literally not aloud to name it legaly.... seriously!)

openGL fog on LCD

It can be downloaded and played at

The Gregson's Room Sessions - Gareth Kitchener

I have created a whole page dedicated to this here

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