http://www.op-ezy.co.uk - The OP-EZY website
OP-EZY Music
http://music.op-ezy.co.uk - The Music devision of my site (Current host of Gareth Kitchener)
OP-EZY Productions
http://productions.op-ezy.co.uk - The Video portion of OP-EZY
Infinity Films (Owned by Max Lees)
http://www.infinityfilms.co.uk - Max Lees's film production site
My REALLY old site (ianstuff2)
http://ianstuff2.tripod.com - Ah, back in the day (2003) there was a 'Website war' between me and a few people (Adam Dean, Michael Potter, Peter Nesbitt to name a few), this was my site, which hasn't been updated since mid 2004