Team information sheet 1999/2000 season. |
All players should be members of St Andrews Church, Heddon On The
Wall. The players will be encouraged to attend services held at this Church.
The leaders are authorised by the Church to organise the team on its behalf.
The players will be treated with respect, and considered to be young adults
and expected to respect others and to treat them in a Christian way.
The Players will be advised of all match details as soon as practicable.
All players will be required to participate fully as part of the team, both
on the pitch and off the pitch. This includes making themselves aware of
the rules, the time of matches and training sessions etc and attending in
ample time. Participate in the planning of matches e.g. knowing the details
of the opposition. Be a good team member and assist other players.
Each player is expected to look after their own health e.g. No smoking, and
ensuring that they have the right amount of sleep particularly prior to match
days. The players will not be permitted to eat or drink inappropriate items
prior to games on match days. e.g. Sweets/Fizzy drinks.
After each game a player of the match certificate will be presented, this
will be made to the player who displayed skills as a good team member, not
always the top scorer etc.
The team will meet 30 minutes prior to the commencement of each match on
Trajan Walk at its junction with Heddon Banks. The players will be taken
home after the games.
All matches will be held at the Cowgate Leisure Centre, and all training
sessions will be held in The Heddon C Of E First School grounds. Unless notified
otherwise. Training sessions will be held at a time which is to be decided
between players and leaders.
Players will be expected to make their own way to and from the training sessions.
Players should provide suitable clothing /footwear for the matches and training
sessions.(all matches are played inside and training will either be on the
Heddon school field or playground).
Team shirts, shorts and socks will be provided for all games. These remain
the property of the team and must be returned if the player leaves the team,
The players are responsible for the washing of the strips. Kit inspections
will be made prior to each game.
The Team colours are blue and white i.e The same as St Andrews flag.
Players should pay £1.00 to the leaders prior to the games, This sum
will be used as entry fees for the matches. Any residue will be retained
and used for the benefit of the team. A post office account has been opened
for the retention of funds. Any changes in matches and other information
will be brought to the attention of the players in the form of an update,
which players are recommended to keep in a file provided. or verbally if
changes are made at short notice.
Parents/ guardians are encouraged to read the updates. They are welcome to
attend all matches and training sessions. But as transport is restricted
alternative arrangements may have to be made.At times parents/guardians may
be asked to assist with transportation. Friends and relatives of the players
are also welcome at all matches/training sessions.
If unforeseen problems arise during matches/ training sessions players and
leaders can be contacted via Mobile telephone (number provided to players)
or at the Cowgate leisure centre on match days
If players are not available for matches /training sessions or there is a
change in transport requirements the leaders should be notified as soon as
possible. We fully appreciate the fact that players may not always be available,
but as we only have a small squad the loss of more than two players per match
will require us to forfeit the game
The players are requested to ensure that all their property is clearlymarked.
They are not encouraged to take items of value to matches. Neither the Leaders
nor the Church can be held responsible for loss of, or damage to property.
Players must ensure that their Parents/guardians are aware that they are
attending matches/training etc. and the expected time of return. The leaders
will try to ensure that all players take part during a game on a match day,
and that all players enjoy this competitive sport.
Players must be aware that skills and abilities as well as physical size
of other participants may vary and injuries may be sustained whilst playing.
Publicity may be given regarding the team by way of entries in the Vision.
Hexham Courant, the Heddon Gossip,and The Heddon On The Wall E-mail information
service. Transmissions can be received by request to
messages for the team can also be sent to this address. At times a team
photograph may be published in the above publications.
It is hoped that the clubs details will appear in the Heddon Web site currently
under construction.
In the Summer of 1999 a game was held against St Gabriels Church team of
Sunderland at a neutral ground in Riding Mill. whilst the wearsiders spent
time at their Tyne valley camp site, it is hoped that this will become a
annual Tyne/ Wear derby game.
Prior to taking a place in the team the players must submit a health and
Parents/Guardians consent form,Information and permission form & transport
consent form to the leaders. The leaders are always willing to meet players,
parents/guardians to discuss concerns or ways in which the team can be improved.
The Vicar will also be available if you think that he is the more appropriate
person to deal with any queries you may have. Funding for the club has been
provided by St Andrews Church Heddon On The Wall and supported by HEDDON
IN BLOOM as part of its youth policy.
The players for the 1999/2000 season in the interchurch league 13-15yr
olds are as follows
BLUE TEAM. John Stewart. James Burns. Phil Edmondson Chris Owen. George Bullock. Tom Naylor. |
WHITE TEAM. Simon Burns Ian Edmondson. Mark Turner. Ben Naylor. Dan Anderson. Martin Leaf. |
Leader Peter W Carr.