Each game will consist of two periods of six minute play, of which there will be no added time, unless in the case of serious injury. (at the referees discretion). The games will be awarded as follows- three points for a game win, one point for a draw, and no points for losing a game.
If a team turns up late for a match for any reason they will concede one goal for every minute that they are late onto the pitch, until the score reaches five, at which point the game will be awarded to the opposing side - five- nil.
If at the end of the season more than one team has achieved the same number of points and goals for, the secretary may allow an extra match to be played using the cup format described below.
As per league format above. If at the end of the allotted time neither team has won, a penalty shoot out will take place consisting of three penalties per side. If this still does not bring about a winner, the penalties will continue and the first team to miss a penalty will be deemed to have lost - (even number to be taken)
All persons with the exception of the defending goal keeper. Penalty kick taker and referee must remain behind the half way line when a penalty kick is to be taken during a penalty shoot out.
Each team may register up to the maximum of 10 players.
Premier Division - 13yrs-16yrs old
First Division - 9yrs-13 yrs old
All players must be named on the registration form to be submitted to the league secretary by the 31st July. The players must not fall outside the above ages groups on the first day of September.
(Minimum number permitted to play is 4- if a team is unable to provide this number the game will be forfeited to the opposition. A team list must be submitted to the secretary prior to the commencement of a match by each team that has more than 7 players registered naming the players selected to take part on that day.
The season will usually commence on the first Saturday in September.
Any additional players registared to play must have the agreement of all the club leaders, and this will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances.
Any changes must be notified to the secretary at least 24hrs prior to a game at which the changes are to take place. Players may join the clubs at any point during the season providing the correct registration procedure is applied. but must not transfer from one team to another during the season without the permission of the majority of the clubs. - (unless in friendly games with the permission of all team leaders concerned, league secretary & referee)
A maximum of two substitutes can be used by a team during a game. The substitute will be allowed onto the pitch only after the referee has given his permission and the player to be replaced has left the pitch. Once a player has been substituted he may not return onto the pitch.
Play will start when the referee places the ball onto the centre spot at the start of a game. The team taking the kick off will be decided by the flick of a coin,
The winner will take the kick off.
The second half kick off will be taken by the other team.
Only after the ball has been kicked can other players move position.
Following a goal, the team which has conceded will then kick off.
When performing this the ball must travel backwards towards their own goal and must be touched by one member of their own team, before the opposing team can touch it.
Players should wait for the referee's whistle to be blown at kick-off.
No whistle will be used for the restart of a game after a break e.g. kicks etc.
The ball is in play unless-
-It is played above the height of the boards around the hall, except when it has rebounded off the goalkeeper, should this occur, the game automatically carries on as normal.
-It is headed in any way.
-A player is injured.and the referee stops play by blowing his whistle.
-Half or full time.
-A free kick or penalty is taking place.
All opposing players must be a minimum of one metre from the ball when a
free kick is taken.
All free kicks are direct no matter where on the pitch they have been awarded.
A free kick cannot be taken inside the goal area.
The player taking the free kick must not take more than one step run up.
Goal keepers cannot take free kicks
The kicks must be taken from the designated spot which is situated just outside the goal area. The player who takes the penalty is not allowed to take more than a one step run up.
All players except the goal keeper must be behind the line of the ball until the penalty has been taken. The goalkeeper must remain on his line until the ball is kicked. A goalkeeper may not take a penalty kick - (except during a penalty shoot out )
The penalty taker must wait until the referee signals that the kick can be taken and signifies this by blowing his whistle.
The goalkeeper may stop the ball with any part of the body, but must not deliberately kick the ball. The keeper must roll the ball back underarm into play. If this is not done a free kick will be awarded to the opposing team. This will be taken one metre outside the goal area, as directed by the referee. This can be defended by the conceding team.
The ball can only be passed back to the keeper once by his team in a particular movement, unless touched by the opposing team first.
If this rule is breached a free kick will be given to the opposing team to be taken from where the second back pass was made
Only the goalkeeper is allowed in the goal area, Should the keeper leave the area or a player from his team enters that area whilst the game is being played a penalty will be awarded. If an attacking player enters the opposing teams goal area a free kick will be awarded to the defending team but the referee may use his discretion if the defending team have possession of the ball to allow play to continue.
Neutral referees will be appointed, The referees decision will be final.
No player, leader or other person should approach the referee and query a decision without the express permission of the league secretary.
Only the leaders should approach the secretary with queries regarding the game, rules, or a referees decision if this is to be disputed.
All players should ensure that their footwear is suitable for the playing surface and securely fastened, If a shoe comes off during a game and goes above ground level that player will receive a yellow card.
If a player is on the pitch during a game and is not wearing shin pads which are covered by his socks, that player will be booked and asked to leave the pitch until this problem has been addressed. He may only re-enter the pitch with permission of the referee. The game will not be stopped whilst that player has left the pitch.
Only the goalkeeper may play whilst wearing tracksuit trousers and without shin pads. No player shall wear jewelry whilst playing. If the player is unable to remove an item of jewelry that player should cover this up so as injury to that player or another cannot be caused, This being at the discretion of the referee. If a player enters the pitch during play and the item has not been covered to the referees satisfaction that player will be booked and required to leave the field until the referee is satisfied that the matter has been resolved.
A player may wear spectacles if they are essential for play, but these must be of a type that cannot cause harm to that player or another person.
The players are expected to behave in a Christian way.
Bad behavior either on or off the pitch on match days will not be tolerated.
-If a player receives a yellow card on a match day this should be treated as a caution.
-Two yellow cards in the same game - a sending off - two match ban.
i.e. That player will miss the next two games.
- automatic red card - Sending off - automatic two match ban.
Yellow and red cards will be given for the following reasons.
-Deliberate obstruction - Y
-Unnecessary charging/reckless challenges or tackles - Y. or R at the discretion of the referee.
- Footwear coming off as desc above - Y
-Sliding tackles - R
-Foul & abusive language - R
-Fighting/Threatening violence - R
-Carrying out an act which may cause danger or serious distress to another person. - R
1 point will be given to a team whose player gets a yellow card and 3 for a red.
Once a team reaches 9 points that team will miss the next two matches.
A fair play trophy will be awarded to the team with the best discipline record at the end of the season. If more than one team has the same record the trophy will be given to the team that is highest in the league. Showing that fair play can help you achieve
(League &Cup matches up until the last day of the season are included in the counting procedure but friendly games do not count - unless exceptional circumstances dictate otherwise)
If a player is seen to misbehave off the pitch the matter will be brought to the attention of the secretary ASAP by a leader from the team which wishes to make a complaint. If the incident is witnessed by any leader, that person should ensure that the matter is not allowed to continue, mention to the offending player that the matter will be brought to the attention of the players leader by the secretary.
In exceptional circumstances of bad behaviour the secretary will convene a meeting of all authorised leaders, and if the majority of those present agree,the player and/or his club may be suspended/or expelled from the league. For any period that the league agree.
All players should remain within the centre whilst games are being played unless their leaders have allowed them to leave for a particular reason. i.e They are not expected to play another game during the particular session.
Players should not go to areas of the centre which are not relevant to the league.
Teams are not allowed to rearrange their fixtures, this can only be done by the fixtures secretary if all parties agree.
The only people allowed onto the playing area during a game are the players and referee.
Leaders, supporters, and substitutes must wait in the designated areas.
All players must wait until they are called onto the pitch by the referee and must then be accompanied by a leader/helper, and accompanied back to the designated area. after the game.
Players should ensure that they deposit any litter in the bins provided.
The league expects all teams to adhere to the child protection policy held by the church they represent.
Insurance cover should be held by each team the league does not accept responsibility for the conduct of any player or others involved in the running of the league/teams..
If a club fails to attend a game they must still pay the appropriate entry fee to the secretary at the earliest opportunity. (includes teams which are suspended)
If a team leaves the league before the Christmas break for whatever reason, that Club will be expected to pay fees to the league until the end of the season as if they have remained within the league.
The league will assume that all Clubs & players accept the rules and conditions when they apply to join the league.
Rules amended June 2002
The league will be known as ‘The Churches Together (North East) Football league, and is independent of any other group/league.
Games will be played on Saturdays at The Concordia leisure Centre Cramlington unless all the clubs agree to another location, or in exceptional circumstances at another location this being at the discretion of the secretary.
The organisation of the league will be the responsibility of the registered leaders.
This includes general administration, all rules will be developed specifically for this league.
A bank account is held on behalf of the league at the Nat west bank with two out of three named leaders required to sign cheques on behalf of the league.
The league will assume that all Clubs & players accept the rules, conditions and constitution when they apply to join the league.
Each church wishing to join the league must have a child protection policy in place,
If a church does not have such a policy this should be brought to the attention of the secretary as a matter of urgency. The Secretary may suspend or exclude that Club.
The details of the league referee(s) will be submitted by the secretary for police checks to be carried out on a yearly basis - All referees will be classed as self employed.
Insurance cover must be held by each club.
Authorised leaders means those who have been registered by the church they represent to act on its behalf, and their details have been provided in writing to the league secretary at least one week prior to them taking an active part within the league. A police check must be carried out in accordance with the Churches child protection policy and its associated acts for all those working with the young people.
Each church should make efforts to ensure their appointed leaders/helpers have the necessary skills and abilities to carry out their roles within this league/club.
A helper will be a person who is appointed by the Church they represent to assist the registered leader - their details must also be provided to the secretary as described above)
The league does not accept responsibility for the conduct of any player or persons involved in the running of the league/clubs..
All authorised leaders are expected to take a full part in the running of the league.
The officials of the club will be The Secretary, The Treasurer, Social. representative. Fundraising representative. Publicity/recruitment representative. Fixtures secretary,
and any other posts that the leaders agree upon.
A patron of the league, and a presentation sub committee may also be appointed.
Such posts will be reviewed annually. At the leagues annual leaders meeting.
Regular meetings will be convened by the secretary to discuss the running of the league.
These will be held on Sundays at St Johns Church Kingston Park.(or other location/time agreed)when updates will be provided by each representative detailed above and laid down in the agenda.
Minutes will be produced for all league leaders meetings. which should be submitted for agreement /amendment at the commencement of the next meeting.
Any matters which may be of a sensitive nature e.g. Acts of very bad behaviour
will be dealt with using the following procedure.
These matters will always be dealt with by way of a secret ballot. With each club having one vote. Which may only be cast by a registered leader or minister present.
(Only registered leaders and ministers are permitted to attend league meetings, unless agreed otherwise by the secretary prior to the meeting)
The votes will be counted by the secretary and treasurer, unless inappropriate when other leaders will be appointed to carry out this task.
If a club is not represented at the meeting after prior notice has been given, and that club has not indicated that it wished the secretary to act on its behalf no vote will be made.
(It is presumed that notice of a meeting has been received unless proved otherwise)
If a vote is drawn a further vote is then given after a short break in the proceedings,
And if again no decision is made, the secretary will have the casting vote.
The league may decide to allow a two week appeals procedure to take place.(after this time the voting slips will be destroyed by the secretary)
The league leaders decision will always be final after this period.
The league may ask for special conditions to be imposed upon a club prior to joining the league/or whilst the season is in progress e.g increased number of leaders to supervise players.
(Any inappropriate behaviour by a leader/helper will be dealt with in the manner described for a player.)
If any supporters who are not directly connected a club misbehave that club shall be deemed to be responsible for those concerned and the discipline policy outlined above will apply.
This meeting will be convened by the secretary after the season has been completed.and held on the last Sunday in June.
Rules and constitution will be reviewed at this time.
This meeting will also consider the annual audited accounts submitted by the treasurer. and review the referees appointment & wages. together with appointment of leaders to addition appointing named account signitories./auditor for the following year.
And also agree the amount to be held by the secretary in his discretionary fund, to be used on incidental expenses.
Parents will be entitled to apply for a copy of the annual audited accounts via the league secretary.
(The leaders may permit the accounts to be placed on the leagues web-site for open view.)
Constitution amended June 2002