Club information sheet 2001/2002 season.
The club will participate in the Churches together (North East) football league, and in cup competitions and other events organised by that league.
The club will be divided into two sections 1st & premier Divisions teams will be known as either Blue & White,
All players should be members of St Andrews Church, Heddon On The Wall.
The players will be encouraged to attend services held at that Church.
The players will be treated with respect, and be expected to treat others in a Christian way
All players will be required to participate fully, both on and off the pitch. This includes making themselves
aware of the rules, the time of matches and training session's, completion of the game review sheets etc.
Participate in the planning of matches e.g. knowing the details of the opposition. be a good team member and
assist other players.
The leaders/helpers are authorised by the Church to organise the club on its behalf.
They offer good quality training for the players in a structured format,
They are always willing to meet players or parents to discuss concerns or ways in which they believe the club can be improved. The leaders will try to ensure that all players take part during a game on a match day, and that all players enjoy this competitive sport. If a player does not start a game this may be due to the tactics the leaders feel are most appropriate, or that a player has not trained /played to the best of his abilities. Or for another reason with the good of the club/player in mind.
The Vicar will also be available to deal with any queries if he is thought to be a more appropriate person.
The league is divided into two separate sections- under14yr olds (1st Div) under16yr old (Premier division),
The Players will be advised of all match details as soon as practicable. (As each player will be provided with a copy of the full season's fixtures, no reminders will be given.)
The league secretary is Bernard McCabe of St Johns Church, Kingston Park.
The other officials hold the posts of honorary Treasurer. Social secretary, Fundraiser,Fixtures secretary. Publicity & recruitment.
The patron of the league is The Rev David Tully (Chaplain to Newcastle Utd F.C)
All league matches will normally be held inside the Concordia Leisure Centre,Cramlington
The league has developed its own rules of the game.
The league is a non-profit making concern. (Annual audited accounts will be
provided if requested)
A main sponsor for the league is being sought to provide even greater facilities
for the players.
The league has a web site - which can be accessed via www
Qualified referees are employed by the league to officiate at matches.
Girls are welcome to apply to join the club.
The Team colours are blue and white i.e. the same as St Andrews flag. Team shirts are provided for the players. These remain the property of the club and must be returned if the player leaves the team, The players are responsible for the washing of the shirts.
Kit inspections will be made prior to each game. (players are asked to wear white socks/shorts). The shirts should not be worn other than at St Andrews matches.
If club equipment is lost or damaged, when not used for its proper purpose it must be replaced. Players should provide suitable clothing /footwear for the matches and training sessions.
Players should pay £1.00 to the leaders prior to the games; this sum will be
used as entry fees for the matches.
Any residue will be retained and used for the benefit of the club. Player's views are often canvassed re use of funds.
There has been no charge for attending training sessions.(If the venue is rearranged this may change)
Optional events e.g. Bowling evenings will attract a charge to cover costs incurred.
A deposit account has been opened at Lloyds Bank for the retention of funds.
Annual accounts are presented to the St Andrews Church P.C.C.with copies available to the players upon request.
This is a non-profit making club with no wages, expenses etc being paid.
Although St Andrews Church is the clubs main sponsor, Consideration may be given to other sponsorship and donations of cash or goods.
Updates are provided to all players on a regular basis to ensure that everyone knows what is happening to their club.
Parents are encouraged to read the updates. Which will be sent by e-mail if this facility is available,
Players are asked to print off a copy to keep, This saving the leaders time and expense and also ensuring that information is provided as soon as practicable-if this facility ceases to be available or the e mail address changes the players are asked to inform the leaders ASAP. The other players will receive their updates on training/matches days.
The updates are numbered to assist the reader. Occasionally replies are requested from the players re special events organised
It is asked that these are returned by the dates given to ensure that the event can take place and no additional expense is incurred.
If insufficient replies are received for events, such as special matches they will be cancelled. No reminders will be sent out to players re events.
A file has been provided in St Andrews Church, which contains copies of all the updates.
Match reports can be found on www. heddon and in the Hexham Courant.
With features in The Vision Magazine and Heddon Gossip newspaper.
At times, a team photograph may be published in the above publications. A copy of the update is also provided to Heddon Institute F.C .It is hoped that our players will be considered for transfer to H.I.F.C when they leave St.Andrews .F.C.
League tables and the top scores list is available on the leagues website.
The family of the players is actively encouraged to take a part in the club and are very welcome to attendall matches and training sessions.
However as transport is restricted alternative arrangements may have to be made. Occasionally social nights will be arranged by the league/individual clubs when parents are invited to attend. E.g. Bowling evenings, quiz nights. Suggestions re other events are invited
All training sessions will be held in The Heddon C of E First School grounds.( Unless notified otherwise.)
Training sessions will be held at a time, which is to be decided between players and leaders.
In the event of bad weather or other circumstances which may lead to the session being cancelled, Players should confirm with the leaders if the session is to be held before they leave home. Each player will be expected to contribute towards a game review sheet that must be handed to the leaders by the team captains at the end of each match day.
These will form part of the clubs-training plan and broaden the player's footballing knowledge. Equipment used in the training sessions has been purchased from club funds.or on a long term loan.
The session will be based upon F.A Coaches guidelines and good examples of training methods copied.
Players will be expected to make their own way to and from the training sessions
The leaders will appoint a captain for each team at the start of the season.
The captain will be requested to collate his teams game review sheets and take a full part in the training
Sessions/matches. The captains will take turns in developing and initiating the warm up, stretching and cool down exercises at training sessions and matches. They are expected to act in an encouraging way towards others.
The Captains role may be transferred during the season at the leaders discretion.
Captain’s armbands may be provided.
Players must be aware that skills and abilities as well as physical size of other participants will vary and injuries may be sustained whilst playing.
Each player is expected to look after their own health e.g. No smoking, and ensuring that they have the right amount of sleep particularly prior to match days. Carry out pre-match warm ups etc
The players will be discouraged from eating or drinking inappropriate items before games on match days. E.g. Sweets/Fizzy drinks.
They must bring warm clothing and a bottle of water to each game/training session.
Players will not be permitted to play in matches if they are not wearing shin pads. These are also advisable for training sessions.
Occasional advice will be provided in the club update sheets on matters relating to the player's health E.g., warm up techniques. Nutrition. Overuse injuries. etc
League Rules State that all footwear worn during matches must be securely fastened.
If unforeseen problems arise during matches/-training session’s players and leaders can be contacted via Mobile telephone (number provided separately) or at the leisure centre on match days.
If a player is injured at a match, first aid will be provided by the leisure centre staff assisted by the leaders
If injured at a training session the leaders will provide emergency first aid.
If in any doubt the leaders will ere on the side of caution and medical attention will be requested.
The parents of the player concerned will be contacted ASAP in the event of a serious injury,
If a minor injury is sustained the player must inform his parents; reference will also be made on the teams game review sheet by the captain.
The leaders will not administer prescribed/non prescribed medication to any player,
If a player needs medication due to a recurrent medical condition, he should be capable of administering this himself. Alternatively, under the supervision of his parent. Before taking a place in the team, the players must submit a Health/ Information/Transport form to the leaders
Players should remain in the leisure centres upper viewing area unless they are led down onto the pitch by a leader.
With so many players now part of the club we ask that parents reinforce upon their children the importance of Good behaviour. The Church maintains a child protection policy, which can be viewed by appointment with the vicar if required.
A transport rota is recommended, with parents/relatives taking turns in transporting players.
The players may if they wish meet 30 minutes before the commencement of the days first match on
Trajan Walk at its junction with Heddon Banks and travel in convoy to the game. (The leaders may notalways be available to meet the players at this location)
The players should be taken home after the games as part of the rota system. Under no circumstances will the leaders convey players to/from matches or other events
This is in accordance with the child protection policy.
If the players/Parents cannot arrange for suitable transport, the players will not attend. If a parent is to collect a player from the leisure centre, they are asked to call in at the viewing area where the player should remain until collected. The leaders will only wait with the players after the games when specifically requested by a parent who has become delayed due to unforeseen circumstances.
Parents should be aware that occasionally games will be completed prior to the scheduled time and therefore should bear this in mind if they are to leave the players unaccompanied.
The players/parents must make their own arrangements to participate in the transport rota.
The Club assumes that the driver of the transport provided will be qualified and covered by appropriate Insurance cover. The club can accept no responsibility if this is not the case.
The players are requested to ensure that all their property is clearly marked. They are not encouraged to take items of value to matches. The club can not be held responsible for loss of, or damage to property.
Insurance cover is provided by St Andrews Church. And also the FA Coaches Association.(when FACA members are present)
(Copies of the policies are available for inspection if required-Limited liability applies)
This does not cover the transport rota or players personal property.
If players are not available for matches /training sessions the leaders should be notified as soon as possible.
(Not via another player) If a player persistently misses training sessions/matches without good cause, he will not be considered for selection at the commencement of a match.
His parents/guardian will also be informed of his regular absence.
We fully appreciate the fact that players may not always be available, but as we only have a small squad the loss players per match may require us to forfeit the game. But even more seriously a parent may believe that the player is with the club but in fact is somewhere else.
The leaders will treat all players as young adults and with respect. It is expected that all players should
Show respect for other players and the leaders.
Foul and abusive language. Dangerous play. Bullying. Failing to participate as a team member etc will not be tolerated.
League rules state that any player who swears on the field of play will be sent off and banned from two matches with immediate effect. This rule is very strictly adhered too.(Our club may take additional action if this occurs)
If after initial warnings the players behaviour does not improve the players parents will be invited to meet the leaders with the player present, if this does not improve the behaviour of the player he will be asked to leave the club.
This action will only be taken in exceptional circumstances for the good of the club.
After each match day a player from each team will receive a man of the match
certificate, this will be made to the player who displayed skills as a good
team member, not always the top scorer etc. Awards may be presented to our players
at the end of the season by our club at a separate presentation in St Andrews
An annual awards presentation will be held for all the teams in the league where cups/medals /certificates (if appropriate) will be given. last season this was held at St James park. Newcastle
If a cup is won, The players from that team will be offered the chance to keep the cup for a short time before being passed onto the Church for safe keeping.
The Health/Information/Transport form must be returned fully completed to the leaders as soon as possible.
Please remember to inform the leaders if circumstances change from those provided on the form
*** Forms must be returned ASAP to allow for registration with the league ***
Players/Parents who wish to join should retain this form.
If you decide not to join the club please return any printed forms you receive to save upon administration.
Reference to Parent means Parent/Guardian
Reference to Club includes the leaders/Helpers/Church.
Reference to players as he means players of either gender.
REVISED- Sept 2001