Previous accounts have been submitted up to the 18.2.00
Carried forward. £142.55
Income £32.00 (subs)
Expenditure £10.50 (Hire of Knott Hall for winter training)
Cash in hand £21.50
Bank account £142.55
Total £164.05
Notes -
16 players were registered to play for the club at the end of this season. Each player pays £1.00 per match day (No fee is payable if the Player is absent) League fees are paid for at £10.00 per match day, taken directly from subs. A register of fees paid is maintained. & post office account held on behalf of the club.
The players views have been canvassed regarding the use of the funds available and ideas put forward are being investigated.
The equipment/strips owned by the club are still in a excellent condition, The cup won by the club will be retained in Church.
Transport has been provided for the players at no cost by using a parents rota system. The club has not incurred any administration costs.nor costs re kit maintainance/cleaning. No fees/expenses have been claimed by the leaders.
Courses attended/membership of The FA Coaches association and FA insurance cover have been purchased at no cost to the club.
Regular updates re the club can be found in a file provided in Church. also on the Heddon website and local well as the Vision magazine. Annual accounts will be submitted in future to the PCC with a year ending 31st May. (W.E.F 1st June 2000.)
The Players and Leaders thank St Andrews PCC for their continued support.
Carried forward. £164.05
Income £244.81 (subs &misc coins)
Expenditure £ 180.00 (for league subscriptions)
£ 11.80 (purchase of training bibs)
£9.00 (purchase of trophies)
Total funds after expenditure- £206.22
Notes -
23 players were registered to play for the club at the end of this season.
Each player pays £1.00 per match day (No fee is payable if the Player is absent)
League fees are paid for at £5.00 per match day per team, taken directly from subs.
A register of fees paid is maintained. and post office account held on behalf of the club.
This is in the process of being changed to a cheque bearing bank account.
The players views have been canvassed regarding the use of the funds available and ideas put forward are being investigated.
The equipment/strips owned by the club are still in a good condition, The trophies won by the club will be retained in Church.
Transport has been provided for the players at no cost by using a parents rota system. The club has not incurred any administration costs.nor costs re kit maintainance/cleaning. No fees/expenses have been claimed by the leaders. Courses attended/membership of The FA Coaches association and FA insurance cover have been purchased at no cost to the club.
Regular updates re the club can be found in a file provided in Church, On the Heddon website and local well as the Vision magazine. Annual accounts are submitted to the PCC up to 31st May each year.
The Players and Leaders thank St Andrews PCC for their continued support.