Mission Statement Acknowledgements Disclaimers Site Information


Our mission is to provide and maintain a quality Internet presence to inform and educate, and to promote the village, and the community, of Heddon on the Wall. The content of the site is intended to be of value to both local people and to anyone else in the wider world, who has an interest in Heddon on the Wall, it's history or it's surroundings.

We will encourage individuals, groups and organisations to contact us with information, news of local events and any ideas that they may have for ways in which this site could be developed or improved.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (in alphabetical order - of surname)

Colin Aitchison - for permission to use photographs and encouragement.
Anne Anderson
- for supply of photographs.
Mr. I. Armstrong - for supply of information.
Mr. A. Linfoot - for supply of information.
Anne Lockey - for support, assistance and the supply of information.
Mr. H. Murray - for supply of photographs, information and local knowledge.
Ms K. Pearson - for supply of photographs.
Gordon Stewart - for assistance, supply of information and encouragement.
Heddon History Society - for supply of information and photographs.
Bryn Tailford - for supply of photographs, materials and local knowledge.
Hazel Thompson
- for provision of materials and many hours of research.

Mr. E. Tingate
- for supply of photographs, materials and local knowledge.


The views and opinions expressed on this Web site are entirely our own. All the information provided on this website has been accepted and provided in good faith, and wherever feasible it has been checked, and verified. However, we can accept no responsibility for the accuracy of the information.

All information is subject to the possibility of change, error or omission and users are advised to check the validity of the information with contributors or representatives of associations, organisations and societies before taking any action or entering into any commitment or transaction.

We cannot accept responsibility for any damages resulting from the use of this information or the failure by any individual or body to check the accuracy of the information for themselves.

If any materials or personal data contained on this site should cause damage or distress please contact us and if the request is justified, we will remove the data.


The site was commenced in July 1999 and has been added to on a weekly basis. It currently consists of around 700 files and occupies about 9 MB of web space. Initially created using the free web editor, AOL Press, the site was developed using Dreamweaver V1.2 and is currently maintained using Dreamweaver V3.0.

The site is hosted on free web space, originally provided by the Sun newspaper, although now owned by Tiscali, at The Domain Name,, was originally hosted by, although now taken over by, who provide web and e-mail forwarding.

If you have any comments or questions about this site please email me at