FUNGAL VILLAGE 12th, 13th & 14th October, 2001

If you joined the group of distinguished experts Dr. Mariano Quintana from Madrid, Dr.Gordon Rutter from Edinburgh? and Dr.Sue Assinder from the University of Bangor, Wales, Dr. Mike Milner, together with Nick Vagg, BTCV, and the experts who live in Heddon last October you will know just how interesting the subject of Micology can be. Mycology, by the way, is the study of fungi.

Heddon is again hosting the Fungal Village weekend with the same distinguished guests. Because they found Heddon Common and the surrounding area so interesting with a number of rare specimens of fungi growing here, they are all keen to return.

The programme of events planned is

Friday evening in the W.I Hall - Introduction to the visiting experts and a talk with light refreshments

Saturday morning A Fungal Foray in the area but outside Heddon with help on how to look for and find fungi and identify it.

Saturday afternoon in the Knott Hall, Heddon . Artist, Jo, will be showing us how to make Spore Lanterns. (she showed us how to make plastic mushrooms and toadstools at the event on 4th August and everyone was delighted with the result she is one clever lady!)

There will also be fungi identification, making spore prints and banner construction. All these events are interesting and exciting for both children and adults.

On Saturday evening there will be a barbecue and ‘get-together’ in the Knott Hall

Not over yet .. Sunday morning is really interesting ! There will be guided walks on Heddon Common (literally in our ‘back yard’) looking for fungi and there will be lots to be found right from the most common to the ‘special’ and ‘rare’. Your walks on Heddon Common will not be the same again once your eye has been trained to look for fungi!

Although this event is being held in Heddon and the organisers would love to see as many Heddon adults and children as possible, there is lots of interest from individuals, scout, guide and brownie groups as far afield as Prudhoe and Ashington who are eagerly looking forward to this fantastic weekend.

Make a note of the dates, 12,13 & 14th October, and do come along for all or some of the events look forward to seeing you. and an added bonus IT IS ALL FREE.


Earlier this year a notice was posted in Liz’s shop saying that a group of ladies in South Shields were making a ‘Grandmother’s Garden’ quilt which would be raffled and all proceeds donated to the St. Oswald’s Jig Saw Appeal and any patchwork contributions would be gratefully received. I made some motives and sent them off. The Craft Group did the same. I heard later that Sheila made some while on holiday in Egypt, Janet made some while travelling on the train between Newcastle and Leeds; Jenny made some while on holiday on a canal boat and Jenny and Myrna sewed whilst visiting St. Oswald’s Hospice a widely travelled quilt already! And these are only a few examples that have come to my notice.

I heard from the ‘organiser’ of the Grandmother’s Garden Quilt project, Hazel Skipsey, a few days ago who says "the response has been FANTASTIC. We have used 200 motives to make one quilt and there are sufficient left over for another quilt a project for 2002"

Raffle tickets will be available shortly and the draw date is 9th October. I am asking Hazel to send some raffle tickets to me to sell so if you would like the chance to win a Grandmother’s Garden Quilt, get in touch with me on Tel. No. 852832


After the construction of General Wades highway, the Military Road, in 1752 and the greatly improved Hexham Road the coaches passed through Heddon to Carlisle. The True Briton started out at 7am and the mail coach at 7-30am from Newcastle both returning the next day. The British Queen went daily between Hexham and Newcastle and the carts carrying ore from the Allen lead mines were a familiar sight. Outlying villages were visited regularly by travelling drapers and provision merchants and with the local carrier they met most needs of the local people. The Newcastle to Carlisle railway line was incorporated in 1829 and opened throughout in May 1839. Newcastle Central Station was not opened by Queen Victoria until 29th August 1850. The branch line from Scotswood to Heddon and Wylam was opened in July 1885. It served until 15th September 1958 when it was eventually closed and then demolished in October 1959. Heddon people could travel to Ryton by ferryboat and it is recorded that an accident to the ferry one morning resulted in the deaths of three Heddon residents. They all drowned in crossing the Tyne on 26th March 1877. The bodies seem to have been found at different times as Elizabeth Veitch aged 38 was buried 29th March 1877, Mary Ann Dale of Heddon Colliery aged 17 was buried on 27th May 1877, and John Moore of Heddon aged 40 was buried on 22nd August 1877.

Re Co-op beside three tuns. It was opened on 5th October 1924. Then when new shopping centre opened in December 1962 it moved into the building which is now the Nursery.


Think yourself lucky. If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish, you are among the top 8% of the worlds wealthy. If you can attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture or death you are luckier than three billion people in this world. Have a good day, count your blessings, and pass this along to remind everyone else how blessed we all are.


The lovely Summer we have just had has been a very good one for most wildlife and not least butterflies. The Heddon Butterfly Haven has really come into i6s own this year with 14 different species of butterfly recorded so far and goodness knows how many other insect species. On the warm Summer days the place has been absolutely buzzing with insect sounds.

The butterfly year began with lots of Orange Tips in May and as Spring and Summer gradually unfolded more and more species began to appear. Not all butterfly species hatch out or arrive at the same time so you get this gradual build up in species and numbers.

August is always an excellent month for finding a variety of species and our Parish Council Chairman, Brian Selman, hit the jackpot on Wednesday, 15th August, when he recorded 13 different species at the site. For the record they were Wall Brown, Meadow Brown, Small Heath, Red Admiral, Painted Lady, Small Tortoiseshell, Peacock, Comma, Small Copper, Large White, Small White, Green-veined White and Large Skipper.

Many of the species were there in very good numbers. The buddliea bushes around the edge of the meadow attract many of the species but the meadow itself attracts others and it is this mix of vegetation which is making the site so attractive.

The fact that the Haven is doing so well is a great credit to everyone on the team who have worked so hard to produce it and I know have had a lot of fun and along the way learnt a bit about stone laying, wall building and stone carving among other things.

All of this, it is worth repeating, without costing the village, the Borough or the County a penny. The initial £10,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund and a further £5,000 from various grant aiding bodies has got us to where we are at the moment. There is more work still to do as well as work on the rest of the Heddon Common Local Nature Reserve and progress is being made on getting the money to be able to do that.

Incidentally, those who, quite rightly, worry about how much control there is over money obtained from these applications should be re-assured to know that the Heritage Lottery Fund and the other grant aiding bodies require comprehensive plans and budgets before releasing any money and only then against invoices for every item of work undertaken. A good thing too! But if there is anyone out there who would like to take on the job of filling in the forms and keeping the budgets straight I will be pleased to hear from them.

Ian Armstrong


Since I last wrote, Heddon W.I members and friends have visited Bavington Hall and its gardens; organised a cake stall for the Village Fun Day and made and served teas for the Village show, and to continue their tradition of 2cullinary excellence" they served a Ploughman’s Lunch on Saturday, 8th September, which was well attended. Tuesday Teas with homemade cakes and scones has started again on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month.

At the Village Show W.I members took many of the First Prizes. Special congratulaltions go to Dorothy Hankey who won the Craft Cup and to Pam Marshall who won the Photography Cup. At the October meeting Mrs. Latham will talk about the Tynedale Citizens Advice Bureau

Future events are a Jumble Sale on 13th October and a Soup and Bun Morning on 10th November.

Please put these dates in your diary!

Aileen Rand, President

P.S. Secretary, Joyce Laws, thanks everyone for their good wishes after her recent illness. She continues to make steady progress towards a full recovery.

Audrey Patterson and Family would like to thank most sincerely all the friends and neighbours in Heddon who extended kindness and sympathy before and after the death of Jim.


Below is a list of Cup Winners at this year’s show …. CONGRATULATIONS to them and to all the prize winners.

The Show was again successful with most classes well supported. It is pleasing to note some new names amongst the winners.

Thank you to all those who gave assistance during the preparation for the Show and on the day itself and we are already looking forward to the 2002 Show.


Les Young …… Vegetables

Mrs. A. Gardner-Medwin …. Garlic

Flowers Dahlias …. S. Armstrong

Flowers Sweet Peas …. H & G. Simpson

Floral Art …. Mrs A. Hotchkiss

Wine & Beer ….J. Tulip

Photography …. Mrs. P. Marshall

Cookery …. Mrs. J. Banks

Crafts …. Mrs. D. Hankey

Children Trophies

5 & under …. William Laws

6 9 years…. Heather Crowe

10 13 years …. Ben Thompson

Cup Winner …. Heather Crowe

Special Craft Award …. Emily Price

Business …. R & L. Eley


I was born in Gateshead where I went to Gateshead Grammar School and lived until I married Margaret in l966. We then ‘crossed the river’ and came to live in Heddon where we have stayed very happily ever since.

I have always had a soft spot for Heddon since my younger days when we used to call into the village when we were in the area just to look at all the well kept gardens around the estate. As now they were always worth seeing!

Following University, where I studied Chemistry and Physics I worked for six years at C.A.Parsons in Heaton before moving into the commercial world working in the Marketing Division of a major oil company where I built a career until I retired recently.

My main interests are sport, particularly cricket, hockey and golf with dog walking and gardening as subsidiary hobbies.

In respect of Heddon, I want it to retain its village atmosphere, whilst still moving forward with the times in a constructive and sensible way. It should, in my opinion, always remain a place that you are happy to come home to.


The choir committee met in September and discussed the programme of carols and songs to be performed at the Christmas Concert to be held on Saturday, 15th December, 2001. The concern is to be in the Knott Hall and will commence at 7pm. No double the Knott Hall Committee who are organising the event will be giving further publicity about the event nearer the time. In the meantime, from 18th September onwards the choir will be rehearsing each Tuesday evening at 7.30pm in the Methodist Church Hall making sure that we achieve (and maybe even surpass) the standard that the choir is renowned for!

If you have been in the choir before but stopped coming for some reason please consider coming back to swell our numbers. If you have an inclination to be a member of a choir but have not joined one yet, please come along and give "The Ad Murum Singers" a try.

Chris Rand



1st Coffee & Chat 10.30am noon

4th Local Churches United Ecumenical

Service at Walbottle Methodist Church

7th Harvest Festival Services

(6pm United) 10.30am & 6pm

14th United Service at St. Andrew’s 6pm

15th Coffee & Chat 10.30am noon

27th Coffee Morning 10am noon

31st Pathfinders Walking Group 10am

(unless F & M restrictions apply)


2nd to 4th ‘Together in Faith Weekend

4th ‘Together in Faith’ Special Services

Communion 8.30am:

Services 10.30am and 6pm

5th Coffee & Chat 10.30am noon

11th Earlier Morning Service 9.30am

United Service at Heddon

War Memorial 10.50am

18th United Christmas Toy Service

at St. Andrew’s 9.30am

19th Coffee & Chat 10.30am-noon

24th Coffee Morning for ‘Children

in Need’ 10am noon

28th Pathfinders Walking Group 10am

(unless F&M restrictions apply)

Please see our Notice Board or Newsletter for more details


If you study the above diary of events you will see that there are no less than five services where local Christians are worshipping together. Heddon has a long history of Christians working together. For many years St. Andrew’s and the Methodist Church have had regular united services and Lent meetings in their calendars. For us at the Methodist Church therefore, it is sad to know that Rev. Dr. Peter Bryars, the Anglican vicar, is moving on to pastures new in November. It is therefore appropriate that we Methodists will be at his last public service in Heddon which is the United Christmas Toy Service at St. Andrew’s on 18th November. It has been good to work with Peter and we wish him every blessing in his new appointment.

On the weekend 2nd 4th November The Methodist Church is olding a special weekend of events entitles ‘Together in Faith’. A team from Cliff College (in Derbyshire) will be joining church members in exploring their faith through coffee mornings, meals, social events and special services. If you want to know more watch out for details or contact any church member.

Our weekly 7.30pm Thursday evening Bible Study was resumed in September. Everyone is welcome to join in this informal meeting to study the Bible and our faith in Christ.

On the first and third Monday mornings of the month between 10am and noon the Chapel is open for anyone to drop in for a Coffee and Chat (or Tea and Chat!). Why not come along? October and November dates are in the events diary.

The Pathfinders Walking Group walks have been spasmodic of late due to the Foot and Mouth situation. The decision as to whether the group will meet or not is being taken nearer the actual day (last Wednesday of each month). For up to date information please contact John Banks (01661 852317) If the walks do happen, the dates and times are as in the events calendar above. Anyone who enjoys an easy walk with good company is very welcome. Don’t forget to bring a packed lunch.

The Mums and Toddlers Group meets every Wednesday between 1.30 and 3.30pm during school term time and loves to welcome new mums, grandmums or carers with their toddlers.


I would like to take this chance to thank everyone who supported ‘Morocco 2001’ at the Swan Fair on August 27th. The toy stall and quiz raised £44 which will be very useful for the community work which will take place in Morocco by Ponteland High school pupils in October. The winner of the quiz was Joyce Black who received a £10 cash prize.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who received and replied to the questionnaire that was sent out for my geography A Level coursework. There was an excellent response which I am very grateful for, so thank you to everyone who replied, it has been very helpful.

Joanne Chambers


After months of planning and the inevitable trips to the solicitors, Dingle Dell has finally established itself into 3 Taberna Close, Heddon on the Wall.

Preparations of the shop were heavy going yet enjoyable to see and hear so many people taking an interest in the ‘medium terracotta’ walls, the fresh smell of paint and the newly laid quarry tiles (which did Alastair’s knees and back no good!) Countless volunteers helped in the process of turning the vacant shop into a lively ‘Deli’

Soon the refrigeration units arrived, and managed to be squeezed through the front door, much to the surprise of a few onlookers and then the shelving units it was starting to resemble a shop again.

Rachel’s knowledge of the food industry, previously being House Manager at Close House Mansion and her understanding of farming and food production techniques provide her with excellent footing to open a delicatessen in a village which requires high quality, locally produced products. Dingle Dell hopes to fill this gap by selling meat from the family farm at Stamfordham and to keep as much of the produce ‘Northumbrian’ as at all possible thus providing local backing for rural food producers.

The ‘Deli’ hopes to provide fine food of many tastes with jams, pickles, sauces, breads, cakes, pates, fresh raw and cooked meat, sandwiches and many more delicious foods that will be sure to tantalise your taste buds. It will be well worth a visit tasting food the way it used to be, preserves the way your Grandmother made them but at the same time relishing in the new cuisine at the highest quality.

Don’t forget that you can try some of the wares in the Tea Room or if you haven’t got the time you could have it ‘on the go’.

Rachel is very interested in your feedback and if there is anything that you would like to see on the shelves please let her know. I am sure that everyone is looking forward to socialise with friends and neighbours in Dingle Dell.


The Bowls Club has enjoyed playing in the Knott Hall through the Summer. Numbers varied as people had holidays but we always managed to have enough members to play a few games.

We had a home match with a team M.E.R.A. it’s the first time we’d met them. Heddon won the match after a good night.

Stamfordham was the first away match of the season … it’s now a meeting of old friends. The score wasn’t so friendly … Heddon were well beaten.

Audrey Browning


Hall’s of Heddon have been awarded a PREMIER AWARD at the Harrogate Great Autumn Flower Show. The show, which attracts trade and amateur exhibitors from all over the country, is one of the premier shows in the gardening calendar

Hall’s has been exhibiting its world renowned Dahlias and Chrysanthemums at this major show for many years but this award has particular meaning as it corresponds with the company’s 80th year in business.

The company was founded in 1921 by the late William Nicholson Hall with the main intent of growing named varieties of Pansies, Delphiniums, Chrysanthemums and Dahlias and selling them mail order across the country. The business is still family owned and although it now operates three retail outlets where the emphasis is on a wide range of plants, the Dahlia and Chrysanthemum mail order operation is still a very major part of Hall’s success.

Last year over 150,000 Dahlias and Chrysanthemums were produced to supply over 4,500 customers in the UKJ and overseas customers including from New Zealand, Canada and America.

New varieties are introduced in the annual catalogue on behalf of amateur breeders from across the world. This year there are over 30 varieties on trial for possible inclusion in the 2003 catalogue. All of these and the 350 varieties in the current catalogue can be seen growing in the open at Hall’s main site at Heddon on the Wall. In total there are over 12,000 plants planted out in the display fields. It was from these fields that the 700 blooms were cut for staging the show at Harrogate. Much credit must go to all the staff in what has been a difficult season. Despite a very late start to planting due to the wet Spring the plants have all done magnificiently and fears that for the first time in many years a stand would not be put up were, in the end, unfounded. The display fields at Heddon at this time of the year are a unique sight in the North East and are open to the public from now until the first frosts.

David Hall


West Wylam Cricket Club are hoping to start a Junior Cricket Team to play in the West Tyne Junior League for the season 2002.

Players shall not have reached the age of 17 years on or before 1st September, 2001. Anyone interested in playing please contact Ian Scott, Telephone 01661 852306

DEVELOPMENT OF THE WELFARE FIELD - Recreation in Heddon A Heated Debate

The discussion was a rather heated affair with both sides forcefully trying to put their views across. It was opened with a brief outline to what recreation facilities exist in Heddon and what many residents and children would like to see.

A rough idea was presented to upgrade the Welfare Field which was fervently opposed by a group of residents who were fearful that

There would be more drink and drug incidents in the area

There would be more crime and vandalism along with more cars

That no-one from the Bainbridge Estate or around the Welfare Field wants a sports field or the upgrading of the Welfare Field.

It was stated that there were plenty of placed to play such as tennis on the school yard. This area has been tarmaced, there are no tennis markings, no points for the net and no perimeter netting. The children at the meeting confirmed that they are not allowed on the school field and are regularly chased off.

Alternative suggestions to the Welfare Field upgrade are

1. to level the Welfare Field, mark out a small football pitch in the middle surrounded by flower beds and benches

2. to provide a mini bus every night to take children to and from Ponteland if they wanted to participate in a sport. Questions were raised as to who would drive the bus, pay for it and the insurance and what if anyone missed the return journey!

There are over 200 children under 16 living in Heddon and they deserve better than a run down football pitch that has been deemed unsafe.

A recreation facility should be in Heddon where children can safely go to play supervised and unsupervised by parents. They should not have to cross main roads, walk alongside main roads, need to be driven to a recreation field away from a populated area where they could easily become prey to inscrupulous people.

Many parents would like to take part in recreation in the village such as tennis with their children. Heddon First School could use the facility during school time as it would be in an enclosed area which could easily be supervised.

The meeting was told that a questionnaire would drop through their doors in the near future asking various questions or or if recreational facilities are needed for the residents of Heddon.

At this point, with the temperature of the meeting rising, people walking out, not being heard and being shouted down the meeting was brought to an end. Watch this space for further happenings.

Ian Scott

OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD - Gift filled Shoe Box Appeal

It is again time to think about the Shoe-box appeal. You are very welcome to leave your gift filled shoebox, or a contribution towards a shoe box no matter how small, at the Methodist Church, Heddon, between 2 and 4pm any Wednesday afternoon up to Wednesday, 7th November. After that date the boxes will all be taken to the Warehouse to be packed for shipment.

Leaflets are available in the local shops and in the Library which give you a good idea of what the children appreciate and what NOT TO SEND.

Also, there is an envelope for the £2 which is used towards the cost of shipment Please support the shops in Heddon who have many items suitable for the shoeboxes.

HEDDON IN BLOOM - Merit where merit is due.

Heddon on the Wall has received a Certificate of Merit in the 2001 Northumbria In Bloom Large Village Competition. The Stadium of Light hosted the regional award ceremony on 10 September which was featured on BBC Look North and is part sponsored by Radio Newcastle amongst other leading regional organisations.

Behind Aycliffe (first place) and Walkworth (second), Heddon was one of only five villages to receive a Certificate of Merit. The judges paid particular compliments to the extent of community involvement in the form of volunteer help, fund raising, donations and co-operation with the Parish Council etc. Special mention was made of the new efforts in the Memorial Park, Overhill steps and lay-by planting.

So all the efforts over recent months have been recognised and rewarded. Equally, if not more, pleasing have been the favourable comments from many people in the Village about the improvements in the Park and elsewhere. These all give great encouragement for more progress in coming years.

This success has only been possible with the enthusiasm of many people in actually doing the work on the ground, excuse the pun!, and in fund raising. In this respect Heddon in Bloom raised a marvellous £180 at the Swan Summer Fair and received a generous donation from the Swan Leek Club of over £150. A huge thank you to everybody who has helped in so many ways and deserve to share in all the credit.

In Heddon’s own keenly contested competitions there was again a high number of entrants. At the Village Show the winning shields and cup plus certificates and prizes donated by Halls of Heddon were awarded to the following entrants:

Best Front Garden


1st Prize

Les Young, Deneholm


Tom Glenton, Remus Ave

joint 3rd

Mr Potts, Remus Ave


Mr Wright, Trajan Walk

Best New Entry

Mrs Clark, Trajan Walk

Most improved

Mr & Mrs Harrison, Killibrigs

Water Garden

Robert Young, Allerburn

Perennial Garden

Mrs Barber, Ravenside Farm

Highly Commended

Mr Taylor, Houghton Mead Cottage


Mr Simpson, Centurion Way


Mr & Mrs Law, Blue Row


Mr & Mrs Laverick, Blue Row


Mrs Parker, Hexham Road


Best Kept Business Premises


1st Prize

Mr & Mrs Eley, The Swan


Mrs Henderson, Houghton Equestrian Centre


Mrs Robertson, Abacus Teaching Nursery.

Once again, a very big well done to all the prize winners and for everyone who took part and contributed to making the village such a pretty place in which to live.

As a final commendation, in the Northumberland Front Garden Competition, out of a 14 prize winning gardens across the whole county, guess which village had no less than 4 prize winners! Yes you guessed right, your very own Heddon on the Wall.


Two months seems to go very quickly, here we are again with the October issue of Heddon Gossip

Thanks to the hard work of the Heddon in Bloom Group, Heddon on the Wall is again up with the villages getting a mention in the awards list. They have spent a lot more time this year, planting the Memorial Park and planting other small areas around the village, making Heddon a colourful place to live and it has all paid off Heddon was awarded a Certificate of Merit. (If you can offer a short time regularly to water, plant or weed Heddon in Bloom would be pleased to hear from you).

Studying fungi does not sound very interesting or exciting but I was pleasantly surprised last year when I spent time at the Fungal Village weekend. We don’t need to go very far to find fungi it is in our gardens, in our lawns, by the roadside and even the grassed area outside Overhill bungalows produced a magnificient crop this year, so I can recommend the Fungal Weekend in October this year.

The Web information shows just how small the world is today… Dorothy and Marion Crowe, living in New York, had great-grandparents who lived in Heddon… after the recent tragic events in New York, Pat the Heddon Webmaster, emailed them to offer our condolences and received their thanks for his kind thoughts and confirmation that they were alright.

THE WEB .. bits and pieces

Mark Parker who now lives in Devon has been in touch. He lived and went to school in Heddon in the early 1960’s. He has sent some school photos and also ‘Personal Memories’ of his time in Heddon. These have all been put onto Heddon Website. He has put names to some of his classmates on the photos but perhaps you could fill in names he cannot remember. The photos can been seen on Heddon Website or Hazel Thompson has the originals which she will be having copied.




You may remember an article in the Jume, 2000 Heddon Gossip where an email had been received from Dorothy & Marion Crowe now living in New York. They were trying to fill in gaps in their family history, in particular their Great Grandparents, William Crowe and Elizabeth Scott who were married at Heddon on the Wall in 1847. Following the recent tragic events in New York, Pat, the Webmaster, sent an email to Dorothy and Marian and has received a reply saying they are safe.


In the June Edition of Heddon Gossip I printed some very happy memories received via email from Edith A. Ward now living in Australia. She mentioned quite a number of names of people still living in Heddon and I wondered if anyone remembered Edith and got in touch with her. For reference her address is 10 Keera Street, Bingora, NSW 2404, Australia, and her email address is It would be nice to know if any contacts have been made, please let me know.

We send our condolences to all our American friends who have made contact via Heddon Website or indeed who have visited Heddon on the Wall during the course of their holiday tours. You are in our thoughts