HEDDON GOSSIP - May - June 1999


We have just had some excellent news from the Millennum Commission who have very generously given us a grant of £10,000 to create a butterfly haven on part of Heddon Common. This follows a detailed application we made several months ago in conjunction with Help the Aged and the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers who have combined forces to promote schemes which encourage people aged over 50 to use their skills and experience for the benefit of the community and the younger people who live in it. The Millennium Award we have received has also been further topped up by money from Barclays Bank and we have just received details of new grant aid which English Nature are offering for Local Nature Reserves so we will be applying for that as well.

We now have an enthusiastic group of people who are willing to help with work on the Common but we need more. In answer to the question on ‘whether your household would be interested in helping with work on the Common’, the results of the Village Appraisal show at least 48 households said ‘yes’. This is wonderful news but there is a problem! Because the Appraisal was totally anonymous we don’t know who the 48 households are ... we need you to tell us. PLEASE telephone the Parish Clerk, Ann Lockey, on 852832 or myself on 852591 to identify yourselves, or leave your name and address with Liz in the shop.

There will be a series of WORKSHOPS at regular intervals over the next few months so it is particularly important that we know everyone who is interested so that they can be kept fully informed. The other important part of the community involvement is that the village school will be fully involved in the project.

Now, to tell you where the butterfly haven will be established ... those of you who regularly walk the Common will be familiar with the piece of land just to the west of the top of Aquila Drive which has, since the building of the Bainbridge Estate, only supported a lush growth of rosebay willowherb and nettles, largely because it was used as a builders dump. It covers an acre or so and while it can look spectacular when it is in flower in late summer its airborne seeds then invade gardens nearby and the whole acre can look pretty messy for the rest of the year. A distinct advantage is that the site is pretty well sheltered and south facing so it is warm for a large proportion of the year.

Without going into great detail at this stage (please come to the Wine & Cheese Evening in the WI Hall on Tuesday, 11th May, at 7.30pm to hear more details) that area will be stripped using a machine and will then be sown as Spring and Summer mown grassland together with plants and bushes attractive to butterflies. The site will have a path wandering through it and will be wheelchair accessible. Although a design was submitted to the Millennium Commission so they could see what we had in mind, the ‘finished article’ will probably look quite different because we are open to suggestions on the design. Part of the process over the next few months will be to see what ideas come from the community.

We have time because the decision process on the grant aid took longer than anticipated and the programme timetable slipped too far to allow us to start in the late Winter of 1998/9 as was first intended.

The major work will now be undertaken in Autumn 1999 because we have until the end of March 2000 to complete the work and spend the grant money. The intervening months will give us the opportunity to have the regular Workshops mentioned earlier, to get people involved and to listen to their ideas.

Please contact us if you are one of the 48 households or if the idea of the Butterfly Haven has inspired you. There will be no heavy physical work involved, we’ll be leaving that to the fit young lads and lasses from the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers. There will be plenty for everyone to do. We’d love to hear from you SO DO IT NOW while you think on!

Ian Armstrong


Many thanks to everyone who contributes to the Village Wildlife Survey and particular thanks for some very detailed and extremely interesting reports sent in during the last few weeks .. including two from outside the village proper - Birks Road and the bottom of Station Road.

Red squirrels are still turning up in unexpected places and this time I can speak with great pleasure about one which entertained Pat and me recently in our backgarden. We discovered it at breakfast time dozing in the sunshine at the top of one of our trees. After a while it came down onto a fence (carefully ignoring some peanuts I had put out for it) before setting off to explore behind our garage. It then closely examined our patio before coming right up to our patio doors where we were standing. It looked in hard enough to bang its head loudly on the glass!! It needed a drink after that so it trotted across to our frog pond before shinning back up another tree. Wonderful!

Our Spring migrant birds are beginning to arrive back with Chiffchaffs having been on the Common for some time now. By the time you read this they will have been joined by their close relations the Willow Warblers. Swallows and House Martins will also be back and we would still like to keep a check on what is happening to our House Martins so please let me know if you have these delightful little birds building on your house this year. It would be useful to know when you first see them this year.

BLACKBIRDS have started on their breeding season as I write this and they are the subject of our main request for information this time. They are an obvious species (although just to confuse you the females are brown) and we would like to know how well they are doing in and around the village. We would like to know the following from your garden or nearby -

1. The location of singing males. They usually choose high points to sing from and start early in the morning ... very early, in May!

2. The location of females carrying nest material. The females do most of the work. Nothing new there then!!

3. The location of males and females carrying food to a particular spot

4. The number of fledged young. Blackbirds conveniently bring their young onto lawns to feed.

Blackbirds will have three or even four broods so keep your eyes open throughout the Summer.

WE DO NOT WANT TO KNOW WHERE THE NESTS ARE so please DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FIND THEM. Birds carrying food are a sure enough sign that there are young in the nest somewhere and once the young are out they are very obvious as they chase their parents for food on lawns.

Ian Armstrong

A PLEA FOR HELP ........from Heddon 1st School Nursery

The parents of Heddon count themselves very fortunate in that Heddon First School has a very good and popular Nursery.

Unfortunately, a certain group of people (thought by the Police to be teenagers, some of whom are local) do not have the same regard and respect for the Nursery property.

In the evenings and at week-ends they regularly gather outside the Nursery entrance (which is hidden from general view) and vandalize the area.

To give you some idea of recent events -

A large window was broken

The doors, glass and pavement daubed with horrible messages and grafitti

The flower pots and contents (belonging to the children and looked after by them) have been broken

On school mornings parents must ‘deliver’ their little ones through a mess of beer cans and cider bottles, cigarette packets, rubbish and lighter fuel containers (not just used for lighting cigarettes)

The situation if now serious and lots of people are losing out...

Primarily the children attending the Nursery and the Reception Class who also use this entrance .... they can read words. They see the mess. They are at a very impressionable age.

The Nursery Staff and Caretaker who have busy jobs made harder by having to clean up the mess.

The PTA and everyone who donates to school funds. From the hundreds of £’s raised for the good of the school many £’s are ‘wasted’ by having to be spent replacing broken windows, tubs and plants which cannot be covered by insurance.

This money was initially raised to buy equipment for the school, pay for trips away, etc.etc., not to repair damage caused by mindless vandals.

It is worth noting that, if allowed to continue, the teenagers involved could loose out too ..... what starts as petty crime or minor drug abuse, if not checked, can escalate into serious crime and deeper, tragic abuse.

What can be done about the problem? How can we help our Nursery and School children, the staff and the PTA? Solutions are never easy but here are some things that YOU CAN DO....

1. If you see potential ‘trouble-causers’ heading towards the school (maybe with plastic bags of cans or bottles of alcohol) you do not have to risk confrontation just Ring the Police.Tel. No. 832204 and ask for the Control Room. They are aware of the problem but need constant information (and pestering)

2. If you are a parent who sees the damage afterwards. Ring the Police to register a complaint. Sgt. David Toor at Prudhoe Police Station, is a useful person to speak to.

The Parish Council has asked many times for residents to ring the Police if they are unhappy with a situation - no need to give your name, just report the incident.

3. Please do not ignore the problem .. it will not resolve itself. You do not need to be a vigilante; an anonymous call to the Police will help; do express your concern when and where possible; show your support; our Nursery and School Children, the staff and the PTA surely deserve it.

Written by a concerned parent on behalf of Heddon 1st School Nursery


Congratulations to the team - Ben Naylor, Tom Naylor, Dan Anderson, John Stewart, Simon Burn, Phil Edmondson and Ian Edmondson - who played some very hard games during their first season in the Inter-Church League coached by Peter Carr. The team finished in the top half of the league table and recently received their certificates from Newcastle United star, Stephen Glass, at a presentation evening at the Newcastle Rugby Club. Congratulations for doing so well and Good Luck for the coming season.


Congratulation to Heddon Soccer School run by David Newman which has been given an award in the High Sheriff of Northumberland ‘Youth Against Crime’ Scheme. The presentation was made at County Hall in March. The Soccer School is up and running again after some small problems and details of the 6 week course can be had from Dave Newman, Tel.No. 853631. Keep up the good work, David.


The Millennium Year

Have you noticed something? The sun has been shining and the sound of lawn mowers has been heard on the breeze. That can only mean one thing, it’s time to put our village in shape for the Northumbria in Bloom competitions. With all the rain recently the weeds are doing rather well. What we need is a very enthusiastic crew of volunteers (of all ages) to help get rid of all the rubbish and weeds and plant out lots of gorgeous flowers so that our village is alive with colour for the millennium year.

Heddon in Bloom has been re-launched this year on its 10th Anniversary as Heddon in Bloom Action Group .... it is not looking for ‘Committee’ members but Action Members! All around the village are people with gardening experience, people who have allotments, people who are retired and have some time to spare. All of you could make an enormous difference if you gave a couple of hours a week to weed, plant or water. We would also welcome any ideas you may have for the village. If you would like to help please let our secretary, Alison Laker, know. She lives at 9 Campus Martius. Tel. No. 853798.

We are running our competitions as usual this year but with a slight amendment to the Best Kept Garden competition, i.e., if you think a friend’s or neighbour’s garden should be nominated then why not do so - but don’t forget to get their agreement first.

Also slight restrictions have been introduced to improve everyone’s chances of winning the shield. Our competitions are, once again, sponsored by Halls of Heddon & The Village Show.

The Action Group needs bedding plants to put in the tubs, borders and many other places around the Village - will you have any to spare? Would you grow some for us? They will be required by early June, please let us know if you can help.

Thanks to all of you who have helped in the past and to all who help in the future.

June Neale

Heddon in Bloom Publicity Rep.


Do you have a gardening tip which saves time or money - perhaps you would like to share it?

Are you splitting a large clump of perennials and would like to swop part of it for a plant you would like? Get in touch.

Have you any plants, flowers or vegetables, you would like to swop?

If you have, let me know. I’m June and I live at 5 Mithras Gardens.


Help both given and needed ...At last, at long last after months and months of hard work Lottery Money is coming to Heddon! A grant has been given to Heddon to develop (in the nicest sense of the word) part of Heddon Common and the WI has been given money to renew parts of their Hall .... excellent news and congratulations to all concerned ... now both projects can move ahead.

Heddon Common project needs the help and involvement of the whole community (as detailed in Ian Armstrong’s article ‘Heddon Butterfly Haven’)

Help of a different kind is desperately needed by Heddon First School Nursery, again, re-read the article concerned and you will see that something as easy as a ‘phone call’ could help.

Ann Lockey Tel. 01661 852832



The Village Appraisal analysis has been received and results will be displayed in a prominent position in the village in the near future.

There were no new nominations for Parish Councillors, therefore there was not an election at Heddon.

The job of clearing and keeping the Memorial Park and the bays under the play equipment in the Welfare Field is now done by a contractor.

A full set of Minutes is available in Heddon Library and Post Office.


At the Heddon School PTA Easter Fayre the Brownies had their own fundraising table. They made lots of crafts and cakes, had a raffle, ‘Guess the name of the doll’, and had lots of fun. They raised over £92 and thank everyone who supported them.

At the end of May 17 Brownies from Heddon will be off on a Pack Holiday Weekend to Kirkwhelpington. This is a big adventure for Brownies and should be lots of fun. Myself and Janet Griffiths (from a Brownie Pack in Ponteland) will be the Brownie Guiders helped by our regular Unit Helpers, Christine Smith and Melissa Chapman. Christine will be Cook for the weekend and as Melissa is hoping to become a Young Leader attached to our Pack her help will be invaluable. There are lots of activities planned for that Weekend including a day out to Marlish Farm. Hopefully, the weather will be kind to us but no matter what we intend to enjoy it!

Lesley Weatheritt, Brown Owl.


St. Andrew’s Young Wives was formed over 30 years ago but over the years, for obvious reasons, changed its name to Heddon Ladies Fellowship. Due to moves and changes in lifestyles our membership has dropped of late and we would like to welcome new, preferably young blood.

We are an informal friendly group of young at heart ladies who enjoy our meetings and have an excellent variety of Speakers, film shows, occasional social evenings and twice yearly outings. Our Annual Subscription is a modest £5 with a meeting fee of 50p to cover coffee and biscuits.

Our AGM is on 12th May but why not come along on 26th May and ‘test the water’. A list of future Speakers will be published before that date. Why not bring a friend or come along and make new or renew old friendships? After all, village life thrives on Associations such as ours and you will be warmly welcomed.

We meet in the WI Hall at 7.30pm on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of most months.


The future programme

10th May ....... Annual Meeting

7th June .... A talk by Dr. W.A. Campbell, a retired Pharmacist, on "Curealls!"

5th July ..... Mrs. Freda Thompson will speak about "Bravehearts". Telling of early women pioneers and trailblasers.

You will be made very welcome at any or all of these meetings ... the only criteria being that you are a woman!


The members are enjoying their evenings with good numbers attending each Monday. A team entered in The Ovingham Charity Shields held in the Bewick Rooms in Ovingham. Sixteen teams competed from around the county. A team from Heddon reached the final playing a team from Shire.

Heddon were runners up with Shire winning the Shield. Each player was presented with a trophy. It was a very enjoyable day.

Audrey Browning


Methodist Church, Heddon

Minister - Rev. Robin Brooks - Tel. 0191 2746057

Regular Sunday Services

10.30am Morning Worship & Sunday School

6pm Evening Worship.

The 10.30am service on the first Sunday of each month is a Family Service where the Sunday School children join with the  grown-ups in the Church. Families and children are always welcome every Sunday

Special Events Coming up -

15 May Coffee Morning 10am/12noon

26 May Heddon Pathfinders Walking Group 10.30am

6 June Church Anniversary Services

19 June Coffee Morning 10am/12noon

30 June Heddon Pathfinders Walking Group 10.30am

4 July Open Air Service 6pm

Watch Church Noticeboard for details

Methodist Church Notes

A big thank you to all those who supported the special Coffee Morning for Kosovo. To date, over £745 was raised and sent for Refugee relief.

The Methodist Church is justly proud of its PEACE GARDEN which Church member, Margaret Makepeace, conceived and created. The garden is situated behind the Chapel and is maintained for use of the whole village. The garden is there for you to use .... so please come in to sit and enjoy its peace and tranquility.

The Pathfinders Walking Group continues to flourish and welcomes everyone who enjoys an easy walk with good company. Don’t forget to bring a packed lunch. Dates as above.

Don’t forget there is a Mums and Toddlers Group which meets every Wednesday 1.30-3.30pm

St. Andrew’s Church, Heddon

Vicar - Rev.Dr. Peter Bryars. Tel.01661 853142

The usual Sunday Services are -

8am Holy Communion

9.30am Holy Communion with ‘Bright Sparks’ small talk and

activities 6pm Evening Prayer

1st & 3rd Tuesdays of each month - mid-week Communion at 1.30pm.

Diary Dates

Sat. 3 July - Strawberry Teas at 3 Northumberland Gardens, North Walbottle

Fri.27 Aug to 30 Aug. Church Flower Festival

Sat. 25 Sept. Charities Fair

St. Cuthbert’s Church, Throckley

Parish Priest - Father B.McNamara - Tel. 0191 2674389

Sunday Services - 9am: 11am: 6.15pm


Our meetings resumed in March after the Winter break and we are getting back into practice with evenings studying still life and drawing, followed by classes on painting reflections and textures.

On 19th May we have arranged for a local artist to give us tuition on portrait painting and one of our previous members has kindly volunteered to sit for us. Anyone wishing to join in will be welcome at the WI Hall from 7pm to 9pm


Spring certainly seems to have sprung at last, despite the snowfall a couple of weeks ago, which thankfully didn’t last. In the last issue of Heddon Gossip I invited entries to a poetry competition for our younger readers for which a small prize would be given to the three poems printed in this issue. Unfortunately, I only received entries from four children and feel it would be most unkind to judge them. I am, therefore, letting you see all the entries and will give a prize to each child for their hard work and enthusiasm. I am sure you will agree they make lovely reading.

With the lack of support shown at this time I feel that Poet’s Corner should be taken out of Heddon Gossip and the space given to someone else. I would, however, like to say thank you to everyone who has supported the corner over the last few issues and who knows, we may have an Autumn or Christmas corner later in the year.

Pam Newman

La Rosiere (Winter) by Vicky

Star Snow flakes pelting
Snow melting
Sunshine shining
Snow sparkling
Cold falling snow
Cold wind blow
Snow flakes falling
Children calling
Down hill slopes
People lope
Skiers skiing
Work dogs working
Sun Peeping
Sun Leaping
Big mountains with melting snow
People in the lake row
In the creche babies cry
In the creche babies lie
Machines work all day
We buy then pay!

Snow drops... by Vicky

The snow drop has little delicate silky petals
Rain coming down on the soft and silky petals when it has been raining
Snow drops are bells ringing in the wind
Only showing themselves in Summer and Spring
Hiding away so not to get stood on
Growing right from its seed
Having light and water to grow big and strong

Lost in Space... by Jonathon Bone

Lost in space
Trip over your lace
Hit your head off the bottom of the bed
Float away for a year and a day
Win a race
Lost in space

Spring by ...Rebecca Newman

Spring is a time when baby animals are brought into the world
New flowers arrive out of their tiny buds
Trees are filled with blossoms of all shapes and sizes
The weather can be sunny, but the wind can be chilly
Spring is a wonderful time.

What I Like by Helen Newman

I like horses
Birds and bees
I like flowers,
Grass and seas

PTA NEWS - Heddon 1st School

In March we held our Annual Sponsored Bounce which was a huge success. All the children were allowed to come to school out of uniform and all the staff had to wear uniform. The children really enjoyed the day and raised in excess of £1,000 which is being matched by Barclays Bank. Thanks to Kathryn (Mrs. Kirtley’s daughter) who works for Barclays and arranged the fund raising event.

The Easter Fair was another well attended event in March. Many thanks to all who came and made the day well worthwhile.

Future events include -

A bus trip to South Shields on 3rd June (Half Term). Children £1. Adults £3. Anyone interested contact me on 01661 832432

A Social Evening in June which will be a Beetle Drive/Quiz and Bingo for adults and children. Entrance will be £1 for everyone. Coffee, Tea, Juice and sweets will be available on the night.

In July there will be a Car Boot/Table Top Sale, weather permitting. The cost of a stall will be £5. Again, contact me to reserve a place.

The PTA has recently paid for refurbishment of the Reception Area in the school and for much needed Early Years Equipment. Money is also being provided for refurbishment of the Library area in the school.

Many thanks for your support.

Linda Paterson

PTA Chair Person