Written by Max Lees

Infinity Films LogoAnd welcome to www.infinityfilms.co.uk, the official Infinity Films website

Here you can find all our films, as well as information about us and how to contact us. We hope you enjoy browsing out films, and please feel free to offer any criticism. Of the constructive kind, naturally. If you would like to receive updates from us when we add anything to the site, make a new film, or want to be the first to hear when we announce new films in the works, contact us using the information on the contact page and we'll put you on the email list.

Currently, there are 14 films on the site.

What's coming soon:

Written by Max Lees

• A film we've been meaning to make for some time but have never got round to is Max and Gareth's Top 10 Chat-up Lines. Hopefully soon we'll be able to get the filming done and get it up on the site. Current Status: Pre-Production

• Don't think we've given up on our A Day In The Life Of... series, either. I know originally it was meant to be a weekly feature but we kind of forgot about it a bit, but don't worry, more episdoes will be on the way. Current Status: Pre-Production

• Another series we're going to resurrect some time in the near future is Corey's Cooking Masterclass. Even though it makes most people ill, especially Corey, we feel it's a vital part of our repertoire and so more episodes are in the pipeline. Current Status: Pre-Production